Atlantic Council of Finland Annual Autumn Meeting
G18 Ballroom, pharm Yrjönkatu 18, drugs Helsinki
Mr Pertti Salolainen, Minister (hon.), MP, Vice Chair of the Atlantic Council of Finland, Vice Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee
Mr Timo Soini, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Parliament of Finland
Nato after the Wales Summit
Prikaatikenraali Juha Pyykönen, Valt.lis.
Co-Chairman, NATO CFI Advisory Task Force
Yrsa Grüne, Pääkirjoitustoimittaja, Hufvudstadsbladet
Janne Kuusela, Yksikön johtaja, Puolustusministeriö
Chair of the event:
Jarmo Mäkelä, Journalist
Venue: Pääesikunnan keskuspaviljonki, Helsinki
The event was organized by the Atlantic Council of Finland and TK-Tiedotuskilta
NATO: The Next Era
Ambassador Douglas Lute, U.S. Permanent Representative to NATO
Ms. Johanna Sumuvuori, Green Politician and Helsinki City Counselor
Mr. Patrik Gayer, Special Adviser to the Minister of Defense of Finland
Discussion is moderated by Mr. Reijo Lindroos, Senior Correspondent at YLE
Event was organized by the Atlantic Council of Finland and US Embassy in Helsinki
TTIP – Just the Tip of the Iceberg?
Venue: G18 Ballroom, Yrjönkatu 18, Helsinki, Finland
Welcome Words:
Diogo Pinto
Secretary General, European Movement International
Keynote Speeches:
Signe Ratso
Director for Trade Strategy and Analysis & Market Access
European Commission
Susan Elbow
Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy Finland
Discussion on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP):
Juha Beurling
Secretary General, Consumers´ Union of Finland
Simo Karetie
Chief Policy Adviser, Confederation of Finnish Industries
Pekka Ristelä
Director, FinUnions
Juha Ruippo
Director of International and EU Affairs
The Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners
Matthew Wood
Policy Director, AmCham Finland
Chair of the event:
Pertti Salolainen
MP, Minister (Hon.), Vice-Chair of Atlantic Council of Finland
2BS-forum organised by the Atlantic Council of Montenegro.
Venue: Budva, Montenegro
ATA Council Meeting
Venue: Budva, Montenegro
Atlantic Council of Finland Annual Spring Meeting
Venue: Museum of the Bank of Finland, Helsinki
Governor of the Bank of Finland Erkki Liikanen spoke to the members of the Atlantic Council of Finland
Venue: Museum of the Bank of Finland, Helsinki
Crisis in Ukraine – Implications for the security in Europe and Finland
Jaakko Iloniemi
Minister (Hon.), Ambassador, Honorary Chair of Atlantic Council of Finland
Markus Lyra
Pertti Salolainen
MP, Minister (Hon.), Vice President of the Atlantic Council of Finland
Venue: G18 Juhlasali, Yrjönkatu 18, Helsinki
Why Gender Matters: Lessons learned from NATO Perspective
Ms Mari Skåre, NATO Secretary General´s Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security
Venue: Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Organised together with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.
Mr Jaakko Iloniemi, Minister (Hon.), Honorary Chair of Atlantic Council of Finland spoke to the students of Puolalanmäki Upper Secondary School in Turku. The topic of the discussion was Transatlantic Relations.